Upcoming Releases

2024 is all about finishing my senior year at school

This year I have decided to lock in and finish high school.
For a while there it was 50 / 50 if I would finish school or not, conformity is not really my thing.

However a bunch of people have backed me, so it’s time to show my respect and gratitude & get it done.

So even though I have a dozen new songs in my back pocket

I have made the call not to start releasing them until 2025 when I give this music thing a real crack.

Upcoming Releases

We have produced 12 tracks together which I am super excited to release.

  1. Will Never Say GoodBye

  2. Just Wait

  3. Safe & Sound

  4. Candy On A Cigarette

  5. Eiffel Tower (Masked Wolf)

  6. Stay Friends (Masked Wolf)

  7. Breaking my Heart (Masked Wolf)

  8. There Goes My Heart

  9. Airport

  10. Sweet Loving World

  11. Silhouette

  12. Mona Lisa

If you want to listen to the unreleased tracks beforehand sign up to my newsletter and I will send you a prerelease link.